How Does Ultrasonic Cleaning Work?


Many people have wondered what ultrasonic cleaning is and how does it work. This process is often used in the health industry to help eliminate bacteria and dirt from surfaces such as beds, bathroom sinks and floors. While the most common use of ultrasonic cleaning is to clean small parts, it can be used on large surfaces such as countertops. The use of ultrasonic technology in cleaning services is growing at a rapid pace because it’s a more efficient way to clean large surfaces than using mechanical cleaning methods. The main benefit of ultrasonic cleaning is that it is less expensive than other methods and doesn’t produce as much mess. This is because no energy is lost when using ultrasonic technology. For a Large Ultrasonic Cleaner, visit Hilsonic.

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Ultrasonic cleansing works by using ultrasonic sound waves transmitted over liquid to scrub away dirt or bacteria in submerged parts. The sound waves, typically up to forty-eight hertz, agitate the water solution of solvent or liquid, causing the agitation of the solute molecules into tiny bubbles. When these bubbles are agitated by the sound wave, they create an environment where the unwanted particles can be removed. Ultrasonic technologies also have the ability to remove microorganisms from the air and water. The cleaning liquid is usually sterile and non-toxic.

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There are a number of different types of ultrasonic cleaners, each with different strengths and frequencies of sound used in their process. Some of the most common ultrasonic cleaners used in health care facilities include ultrasonic humidifiers, ultrasonic steamers, ultrasonic steam dryers, ultrasonic floor cleaning machines and ultrasonic bathroom and kitchen cleaning machines.

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