Why does earwax build up?


Earwax is a naturally occurring and beneficial mechanism for keeping ears clean and healthy. It normally moves from the rear of the ear canal to the opening as a result of natural jaw motion such as eating and talking. Build ups can happen when there is an interruption in this process. If the earwax becomes stuck and hardens, it causes an impaction which can prove uncomfortable and cause some hearing loss.

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So, what can cause an interruption in this process:

Infections – Any infection can cause a blockage. For example, swimmer’s ear leads to a narrowing due to inflammation and this can interrupt the normal flow of earwax out of the ear.

Dermatological problems – Skin issues can also affect the skin in and around the ear canal. Conditions such as eczema, for example, can lead to an accumulation of dry skin cells and hardened earwax which create the conditions for a possible impaction inside the ear. For advice on Ear wax removal Poole, visit a site like www.earwax.co.uk/ear-wax-removal-near-me/poole

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Trauma – Any trauma or injury to the ear may also result in an overproduction of wax which can lead to a blockage.

Overzealous ear cleaning – When items like cotton buds are inserted into the ear canal, it can push the wax deeper into the ear, pushing against the eardrum.

Autoimmune diseases – Some autoimmune conditions can lead to an overproduction of earwax.

Earplugs – Those who regularly use earbuds, earplugs or even hearing aids can also push wax deeper into the ear canal and cause impaction issues.

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