The Basic Principles of Giving Medication


The basic principles of administering medications are essential for the proper care of patients. These include the correct dosage, the right route, and the right time. Medication errors often occur because of mistakes in identifying and preparing the medication.

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Medications may be given orally, rectally, or through the skin. Each method of administration has its benefits and disadvantages. A standard dose of medicine is a teaspoon of the drug in liquid form.

When giving oral medications, it is vital to allow the drug to dissolve and enter the bloodstream. It is also a good idea to offer the patient water to help the absorption of the medication.

In addition, liquid medications should be given at a comfortable eye level, as this will aid correct reading of the label writing. You should shake the liquid before pouring it into the delivery method. For more information about Administration of medical training for medicine delivery, go to

It is essential to follow a specific agency’s guidelines during medication administration. You should also ensure that the medication is the right size and appropriate for the patient’s age.

Some patients require a lower dose than others, which should be based on the patient’s age and the disease or condition. Another factor to keep in mind is the fact that some medications may be administered around the clock.

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It is always important to remember that the most dangerous part of administering medications is the preparation process. Even an experienced nurse can make a mistake if they are too tired or distracted.

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