How to Clean Up After a Flood


When cleaning up after a flood, it is essential to take proper precautions and wear protective clothing. Using gloves, long sleeves, and eye protection is a good idea. It would help if you also considered wearing rubber boots, which will keep your feet dry while working.

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The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) offers information on cleaning up after a flood. They recommend contacting your local health department to ensure no lingering hazards on your property.

It would help if you started by checking for areas of standing water. You can use dehumidifiers to dry out fittings and furniture. Keeping your home free of standing water can help prevent mould and mildew from growing. Absorbent materials can help. For Spill Kits, go to

In addition, you should disinfect contaminated items. Flood waters can carry contaminants such as sewage, manure, and bacteria. Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly after touching any contaminated surfaces and wear gloves during cleaning.

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After disinfecting your flooded home, you should set up a designated area for drying your salvageable items. Some furniture, such as bed frames, will need to be tossed into a dumpster as they pose a mould risk.

Before starting the cleanup, documenting your work by taking photographs is a good idea. This will allow you to substantiate any insurance claims that may come up in the future. Taking pictures is a great way to show your insurance company how much damage has been done.

Whilst cleaning, it is important to wear a mask. A well-ventilated mask such as an N95 can keep you safe while you work.

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