The Scientists and Inventions that Built Victorian Britain


Victorian Britain was a place of great societal change. As old ways of life quickly became replaced with new ideas and technologies, the Industrial Revolution changed the whole landscape of Britain permanently. Much of the buildings, waterways and railway lines are still in operation today in fact. The industrial revolution was characterised by the huge technological leaps that happened during this period and enables industry to be changed for good. Here are some of the most notable inventions that came with the industrial revolution…

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Hydraulic power was one of the driving forces behind the industrial revolution and many machines were powered by it. Although it had been used as far back as in Ancient Greece, the scientist and businessman William George Armstrong brought it into the modern age, using hydraulic systems to power factory machinery – the ancestors of which are still used today like this hydraulic power unit

When you think of Victorian Britain, the steam train of course is something that many people associate with it! James Watt, the Scottish inventor pioneered the steam engine, whose work was then built on by George Stephenson, who is widely credited as being the father of the railway. The railways changed the way of life in Britain as for the first time it was quick and easy for people and goods to get around the country.

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The chemist Michael Faraday is responsible for the creation of the electric motor, as well as theories on electromagnetism that then went on to help scientists all over the world. He also was the first to successfully liquify gases, which could then be stored to power machines and factories.

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