What assessments do children take in primary school


An inevitable part of our schooling life is the need to undertake some assessments and these being in primary school. It is important that where possible schools display this information on their website so that parents are able to understand what assessments their children may undertake at various stages in their primary school life. A good Primary School Websites company such as https://www.fsedesign.co.uk/websites-for-schools/primary-school-websites/ can help you to display this information in a meaningful way.

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Examples of assessments that will be undertaken in primary school include:

Phonics assessment – in Year One, children will undertake a phonics assessment which will see them sounding out and saying a number of different words. In some cases these words will be made up words and in other cases they will be words that we use throughout the English language. If a child does not pass this in Year One, they will be able to retake it a year later.

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SATs – these assessments are undertaken in Year Two and in Year Six and primarily a way in which the school is assessed in what they are delivering to the children in their care. It assesses whether the children have reached the expected levels of knowledge in a number of areas including Math, English reading and writing and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar.

Times Table – in Year 4 children will have to undertake a computer based assessment that will see how many times tables they can complete correctly in a given timeframe. This is the newest assessment to be added into the primary curriculum.

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