Having a move around in your garage


Garages are often spaces that we neglect to use as dumping grounds for all of our belongings that we don’t know what to do with or to store garden furniture and equipment ready for the next time we want to use them. Many people are looking at ways in which they can regain this space either to use for alternative purposes or simply to bring some order to the chaos.

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There are ways in which you can sift through all of your belongings and sort them out into a much more organised manner. Before you start it is important that you think about searching for a Residential Shelving Ireland company that can provide you with a variety of shelving options for you to place your items on.

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Here are our tips for getting started.

  • Put everything into the middle of your garage and set up your shelving around the edges, starting with the innermost wall as this will be more water tight than the rest of your garage.
  • Work through each item in the central pile and assess whether it is something that you actually need to keep.
  • If you decide to keep an item, place it in an appropriate place on the shelving and if not place it in a pile to one of the garage ready for throwing away.

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