Four Jobs to do This Winter in Your Garden


Although winter isn’t a time of year when we can spend much time enjoying the garden, there are still lots of jobs to be done in the garden in order to make sure that it can stand the test of the winter weather and to keep it looking great when spring arrives.

Here are some of the things to do in the garden over the winter…

Clean Patios and Decking – Wet weather and wind can make patios and decking dirty and also slimy, which can be dangerous to walk on as well as looking unattractive. Now is the time to give the patio area a good clean.

On a dry day, get a pressure washer out and give your patio area a good blast. You don’t need to use chemical cleaning products, as this can have a detrimental effect on the plants and animals that live in the garden. If you don’t have a pressure washer, you can rent one or borrow one off a neighbour who does have one.

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Make Repairs to Structures – The bad weather in the winter will only make existing damage to your garden structures worse, so now is the time to repair or even replace them. You can get wood that can be used for repairs from somewhere like this timber merchants Portsmouth based company.

Check all of your structures for signs of damage, from the fence, to sheds and greenhouses.

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Look After Garden Tools and Equipment – Taking care of the equipment that you use in your garden will ensure that it is ready to be used again once the spring arrives. From your lawnmower to any gardening tools that you have, now is a good time to do care and maintenance and put them away somewhere safe and dry until they are needed again.

Take Care of Local Wildlife – Wildlife has a tough time in the winter, and there are lots of things that you can do to care for the local wildlife. Provide shelter for all sorts of creatures over the winter with hedgehog and frog houses as well as insect houses.

You can also set up a bird feeding station to supply local birds with food and water whilst it is scarce.

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