1947 – The Snowiest Winter on Record


Staying warm is important in the winter months. Making sure that your home is able to keep you warm over the winter can help you to stay fit and healthy, as the cold can be dangerous, especially for older people and infants.

Having good home insulation helps immensely, as does getting your boiler regularly serviced. If you have a boiler that is old and prone to breakdowns, this could be the time when you get a professional like this new boilers Cheltenham based installer to come and replace it for you, so that you can have a reliable boiler that keeps you warm throughout the winter.

The UK winter is hard to predict, and some years we get away with a fairly mild winter, whereas others can be very cold, covering the country in a blanket of ice and snow for weeks or even months at a time – winter 1947 was one of these winters, and the country shivered under a cold snap for months…

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In late January that year, cold air moved over the UK bringing with it the first snowfall of the year. However, the snow on 23rd January was not the end of it – this was just the beginning in fact. Every day after that, for fifty five days, somewhere in the UK snow fell which made it the snowiest UK winter since the middle of the 1800s.

Many people were taken by surprise, as the year had started off mild, and at the start of January temperatures had even been recorded in double figures! This was the days before the sophisticated weather forecasting computers that we have now however, so the weather was not something that was easy to predict back then.

Not only did the snow start to fall in late January, but temperatures also plunged making conditions dangerous for travel, as well as for farmers who worked on the land. This made life even more difficult for a nation that was still very much under the rationing regime of the second world war and many people struggled.

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It wasn’t until March that temperatures started to rise, bringing much relief for everyone and making the year 1947 the snowiest winter on record!

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