The Nuclear Age – The Cold War and Nuclear Weapons Today


Since the first atomic bombs were created and used in 1945, it heralded a new age for the world. The age where we lived in the shadow of a bomb capable of destroying all life on earth. The power of an atomic bomb is unparalleled, even a specialist demolition company such as demolition Bristol company David Horton could never achieve demolition on that scale – but neither would they want to! What does the existence of the bomb mean for us today?

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As the second world war drew to a close, a new war had started up – the Cold War. As America and the USSR both raced to expand their nuclear arsenals and prove that each other was the superior world superpower, concerns grew that the number of nuclear weapons in existence could signal the end of life on earth – after some very tense periods during the 1960s, such as the stand off at Checkpoint Charlie and the Cuban Missile Crisis saw the world teeter on the brink of nuclear war, tensions seemed to simmer down a little bit.

The 1980s heralded a return to those nuclear tensions once more, as a NATO military training exercise named operation Able Archer once more saw the tensions ramp up, and as the soviet union started to crumble, the world breathed a sigh of relief as the Berlin wall fell and things seemed to be calmer at last.

The Nuclear Age – The Cold War and Nuclear Weapons Today

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Today, nuclear war is certainly not on the minds of the public as much as it once was – yet nuclear tensions are once more on the rise, and not just the old superpowers, but countries such as Iran and North Korea are causing concerns the world over – so it may be time to get digging those bunkers again after all!

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