Facts about timber you might not have heard


Have you ever looked at timber and marvelled at the sheer amount of forests that you can pick from? Both of them with different degrees of suitability for the job you have in mind, whether it’s an outbuilding building or maybe you want to bring some decking down in your backyard. The wood world is an interesting one. Here are a few facts you may not be conscious of:

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All wood is biodegradable regardless of its nature, type of species or density, which is why it is still one of the world’s most common and sustainable building materials. It is sustainable because we can grow so much of it. Even better, newer and younger trees that are growing absorb more heat and carbon over established ones. This is the reason that the world’s timber trades plant more than it cuts down. This allows it to make sure that the supply of timber is never outstripped by the demand for it. Whilst modern building materials have eased the pressure on using wood as a construction type it is still common to use it for parts of the modern home. The Oak Truss is a cracking example of this.

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Timber is inherently sealed, which is why houses and early homes have been around for thousands of years. Actually, wood is more efficient at insulating than concrete.


The terms softwood and hardwood do not define the wood that the tree grows, but rather the leaves and seeds that the tree and its overall composition generate.


With just 12 per cent, the UK has one of the lowest levels of woods. This figure is as high as 44 per cent in other European countries.

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